Just a wee bit from that Goodreads challenge story I’ve been talking about.
Julian had a skilled hand. Romeo could barely draw stick figures and funny faces, but still he was Italian and he knew art when he saw it. The raw sketches of his back, his arms, the whole-body one, spoke of power and strength belying the injury throbbing in his shoulder. Looking at them, he could see the best forward Italian football had seen in twenty years. He knew again how it felt to plow down the infield with the ball before him and half the opposing team too far behind to catch him.
Stupidly he hoped Julian wouldn’t decide to draw him hurt, sitting down hard to keep from falling as he cradled his shoulder and cringed in pain.
For the record, I adore Romeo. And Julian. Can’t WAIT till this story goes up.
(Posting this early because it has to be up by 0900 EST and I am not getting up at 0600 to do it.)
Ooh, me too! I adore them, too! Great story. *basks in the glow of betaing*
Thank you!
Romeo and Julian! Love them!
Yay! There’s about eighteen thousand more words about them, so I’m glad to hear it.
I so wish I could draw. Great six, very descriptive.
Thanks! It was hard to choose something that felt like enough. I’m glad I chose well.
A very intriguing couple!! I always love to read stories with artists…probably because I can’t draw a stick figure. lol!
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Thanks, Bree! Yeah, I have a bit of a thing for artists too. Hands creating things make me…mm, happy…
Not wanting to be drawn hurt, that is so sweet! And I’m all about an artist story. Thanks
A Way To A Dragon’s Heart 6SS
I’m glad you like it!
Have a Great Sunday,
Kristin Wolfgang
Thanks! You too.
I can’t wait to see it. This is inspired by one of the pictures I loved.
Thanks! I’ll do my best not to disappoint.
This is awesome! Can’t wait to read your story.
Fantastic snippet. Thank you.
Thank you, Alix!