Descendants of Darkness

I got a present from my librarian (and bellydancer) friend in Illinois today–the first two DVDs of Yami no Matsui, known in the US for some silly reason as Descendants of Darkness.


In case you’re looking for a condemnation bandwagon to jump on–oh, yeah, this would qualify.  The story focuses on shinigami–translated (I think incorrectly) as ‘gods of death’  who keep the living safe from demons and other supernatural creatures interfering where they’re not supposed to be.  And the shinigami are dead, and use magic to do their jobs.

That said–it’s a great show.  I love the characters, (Tatsumi trying to keep Tsuzuki from blowing his expense account, Watari coming up with crazy inventions, Hisoka just being cool…) and the art is beautiful.  Being a sucker for a good magic story doesn’t hurt, either.

Only problem is, the demmed things don’t want to let me have English subtitles.  I can watch it in English (NOT!!) or in Japanese with Chinese subtitles, but the English–ooh, ooh!

Got it!  Bye…

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