The other day when I had no brain at all (no jokes about how often that happens, please!) but I didn’t want to waste any more of my summer in unproductivity, I addressed all those broken posts from *cough* years ago when I moved my blog onto wordpress.
I’ve been blogging for eight years, since I got my first Dell†. That doesn’t seem like that long to me–not even a fourth of my life–but I’ve changed a lot in those years.  It’s interesting (to me.) I’ll tell you, I cringe at posts saying how great that first book was (the one since edited three times, chopped in half, expanded into two books and edited more), how DAW was crazy to pass it by, how when I was a famous (and rich!) author they’d be sorry to have not even glanced at it. (It was 198,000 words when I sent it to them. They probably weighed it to decide if they’d look further. )
One thing I did notice, though, was that I used to blog a lot more. Mostly I talked about me and my writing, but pretty much every day I talked about something. I ranted, I celebrated, I ranted some more. I posted word counts and thoughts and I just blogged more.
Anyway. Today I’m wondering if I blog so much less because I’ve run out of things to say (this seems unlikely *shifty look* ) or because I feel like I should say things of greater moment. And I’m thinking it’s probably the second. So I’m going to try an experiment.
See, I’ve read up on how to be an indie author, and what anyone who’s anyone will tell you is not to blog about yourself. They don’t know you, they don’t care. Most will tell you not to blog about writing–you’re trying to attract readers, and they won’t care.
But then they tell you the most important thing is sincerity. You have to be yourself.
So I’m gonna. I’m going to try to blog more, and I’m going to be less picky about what I decide to talk about. I hope you’ll do me the honor of chiming in, even if just to say I’m annoying and I should go back to once-a-week-or-less, YEESH. 😉
†Which is, by the way, still going strong. I updated and passed it on and my kid has it now. Dells rock.