One week tomorrow and I’ll be back at work. Normally I’d be flailing about complaining I didn’t do anything, but this summer–at last!–that’s not true. I may not have done everything I’d hoped, but (as usual) my hopes were unrealistic. I still did pretty damn well.
Fifty thousand words written in two months. Two hundred fifty thousand (or more, really) words edited. Lots of loafing and even a little housekeeping done.
Of course, the lack of complainy-flailing could be because there’s no time for that stuff. I still have so much to do! The end-of-summer flail may just be hiding behind the one-week-to-HFS!! flail.
In fact, I think that’s what’s going on. So I guess I better get back on getting that ready.
… When I saw the “flail by any other name” headline I automatically assumed you meant this kind of flail. Um. Whoops.
I cannot say how much it delights me that you would make that assumption.