I started reading an article yesterday in which the writer railed against everything from profanity in blogs (somehow relating this to Fight Club) to indie authors calling themselves “indie” when all self-publishing is crap. Apparently the only novels that are self-published are the ones not good enough to be traditionally published. And when I say railing, I mean “waxing vitriolic and flat-out mean.”
Another writer, another article, an indie author ranting against the people twisting her arm and threatening her kneecaps if she doesn’t price her books at 99 cents. Except no one has actually promised bodily harm. Apparently it’s a trend she feels she shouldn’t have to buck. Everyone should know better. You are insulting all of literature ever by letting anyone soil your precious words with their common eyes so cheaply.
This is not rocket science, people. Don’t like 99 cent ebooks? Don’t price yours there, and don’t buy them. Don’t like profanity on blogs? Don’t read those blogs. Don’t like self-publishing? Don’t self-publish. Don’t like gay weddings and happy happy people? Don’t get gay married, and don’t click the links in your Twitter stream. (Me, I have been self-medicating the cranky with pictures of delighted people who have waited years to be treated like people. Have you seen these?)
Don’t like ranting articles on stupid stuff? Click away (which I did, quickly.)
Why must we jump on each other for harmless things that don’t really affect us at all? And how about leaving a little room for people of differing opinions?
God knows there are positive things we could do instead.
We all need to rant at times. I’m not calling anyone wrong. Please, please, don’t comment to call me a hypocrite based on some post you could easily go find on my blog probably. We are, none of us, perfect. Which is one reason I didn’t link to either ranter above. Another is that it’s really much easier to just be kind wherever possible.
I do think there are things that need to be fought over, like poisoning the Arctic or letting gay kids die in silence and shame rather than reaching a hand to help. If you really need to have a good rant, could you (and I mean internet-ranters in general, not necessarily you reading this post) get pissed off about one of those things that matter?
*applause* Seriously. Police yourselves and your kids, people. You shouldn’t expect the world to only contain the things of which you approve. Practice tolerance and patience (a personal challenge, that one) and listen to the wise words of Guy Davis.
Ooh, I like that song! Patience is a challenge for me, too. I want everything fixed yesterday.
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