The cast and crew of the Sun’s Rising look forward to liberty in a large and unknown city.
Liz and Elaine gave a speech about keeping things under control, to which Taro and I listened with careful innocence. Then Taro led off down the ramp, looking for any trouble he could find. He’d deny it, of course, but I knew Taro. He liked to be in trouble. He had some deep-seated need to be yelled at, preferably by someone who swore well. And if the person yelling had the authority to kick him out of somewhere or set him to hard physical labor for being a mouthy little shit, so much the better.
His Faithful Squire is now available from these fine ebook retailers: Kindle and Smashwords. Also, the first three chapters are here on turtleduckpress.com, should you care to check those out before making a purchase. 😀
Great last line.
Good six. I just might buy. I love a character with spunk. 🙂
Ha, love it!
@Piper–oh, Taro’s got “spunk” all right!
If you haven’t read Knight Errant, though, I’d suggest starting there. It’s first chronologically, and it’s from Taro’s POV.
Thank you, Gayle!
Oh I really liked that last line. I can’t wait to read more!
Great six and yes the last line was a kicker 😉
Taro sounds like quite the character! Thanks for sharing. 🙂
Thanks for dropping by! This story on Turtleduck Press has Taro at age 12. It makes me laugh. 😀
Great voice. Love Taro. And that Rafe knows him so well. Love the “deep-seated need to be yelled at, preferably by someone who swore well.” Great line.
lol! Sounds like an interesting fellow!!
In certain circles, Taro is infamous.
well done. and the last line was a good one.
Thank you!