I really am getting serious. (I think. How many times have I said that before?)
Anyway. The last time I really accomplished something, writing Eve re-named A Star to Steer By re-named Saturday’s Child, re-named that damn first book, I did it by tracking where I was every day. So I’m doing it again. Someone gave me a lovely journal, one of those pretty pretty things other women apparently use for recording their thoughts while sipping herbal tea sitting on their pristine white couches. (come on, you’ve seen the commercial…)
Well, I like herbal tea, but I don’t currently own a couch, wouldn’t dream of a white one, and record my thoughts–right here. So I was somewhat at a loss. It was too pretty to give away, too worthless to keep. Too pretty to use for notepaper (God knows I’ve got tons anyway) and not actually worth much for anything else.
Then I got a brilliant idea. *grin* It is now my Dreams into Truth journal, and every day I will record, in the prettiest ink I can lay hands on, how much I wrote on what, and any reason *cough* excuse *cough* I had for not writing. Also anything I do towards getting published (send a ms somewhere!) and what time I went to bed, because I’m really struggling with getting enough sleep. I know I’m shooting myself in the foot when I stay up late to get things done. That doesn’t stop me from doing it.
So. We’ll see where this gets me. (it better be “published.” My car’s not starting right again, Hope has ruined nearly all her school clothes, and I really would like to get us both back to karate!)