I love my job and I want to keep it, but the more books I put out, the more I want to put out. I could put…oh, eight or so books out tomorrow if I were willing to do it with them full of mistakes and badly in need of polish. But, of course, I’m not willing to do it that way. And while I can edit in the evenings, my pace will be significantly slower than over the summer.
I want to move faster.
So I need someone to go to work for me for a couple months. You have to be able to smile all day no matter what, never lose anything ever (Ha!), and basically just keep on top of stuff so I don’t come back to a great big mess.
Oh. And all the paychecks must come to me.
Any volunteers?
I’d do it except the paycheck thing. If I’m doing the work, the money has to be mine. How else am I going to pay for my book addiction? 😉
While you’re looking for volunteers, find one for me too. =)
@Patricia– I’ll do my best!
@Annikka–yeah, but who’s gonna support my writing habit?