I have a friend who sends me propaganda. I love her, but she drives me up the wall forwarding biased, inaccurate, right-wing parroted bull that takes thirty seconds (I’m a fast typist) to debunk.*
My friend is a lovely person (yes, conservative people can be and many are!) who I think is relieved when I prove that crap wrong. I would never send this to her, but I’ll give it to you, in case there is someone annoying you in a similar manner.
*Please note: Yes, progressive propaganda exists. Yes, it’s biased. Some of it is inaccurate. Google works for that too.
**Some discretion and actual thought will still be required, but at least it won’t be a case of “everything in this email MUST BE TRUE” right?
I’m forwarding that to my husband. Not because he’s like your friend, or that he (or I) are recipients of propaganda …
But his coworkers often ask him technical questions that he has developed the tendency to deadpan in response, “Do I look like Google to you?” 😆
It is the BEST THING EVER*. 😀
*for certain values of “ever.”