Today was rough. I won’t complain, but I will say I chose the wrong day to wear heels to work. And to wear a blouse that was just fine in air-conditioning, but then on an afternoon of record-breaking heat having to drive across town with no AC…
Anyway. I live. It is over. Tomorrow will be better. Tonight I did dishes and cleaned my desk and got food out to defrost for tomorrow. Tomorrow…with luck tomorrow I finally get to start my edit.
Tonight I am playing “Rolling in the Deep” by Adele over and over. And over.
Boo, Tuesdays.
But oh yay, Adele! I love her newest one, which is called “Someone Like You”, I think. I could listen to it forever. *happy sigh*
Good lord yes. It’s a great song. Have you heard Set Fire to the Rain?
Not yet. I’m resisting downloading everything by her ever until I get ahold of some fun-day funds, but maybe I can spare one more dollar. 🙂 I also LOVE Rumour Has It. 🙂
ooh! *trots off to check that one out*