Yesterday was a bad day at work. The day before Thanksgiving usually is–tons of staff take the day off to start their holiday travels, and the kids are excited and rowdy. Riding herd on 600 kids with half your usual wranglers can be difficult.
Here’s one of my coping skills.
Back in 2006, I received an awesome present. In December ’06, I looked for a replacement, but all I could find was POTC Dead Man’s Chest calendars, and who wants to spend a whole month looking at Kiera Knightley?
So I improvised. I printed out a monthly calendar, and taped it on the bottom of my favorite calendar ever. Five years later, I’m still doing that.
See, he’s not just Orlando Bloom to me (not that Orlando Bloom is insufficient!) To me, he’s Rafe. He’s a great beautiful reminder that the job I spend much of my life on is not my life. That I have more. That my life is bigger than that often arson-deserving office.
Orlando Bloom–saving people bite-marks since 2006.
who wants to spend a whole month looking at Kiera Knightley?
o/ Um, I mean, no one? >_>
This guy is the reason I don’t bite people. Most of the time. (You probably don’t even have to click to know who it is.)
*snuggles* Happy Thanksgiving! I’m thankful you exist! :****
If I ever end up with a POTC calendar, I’ll send all the Kiera Knightley pics to you! (and tentacle-face, and Norrington, and anybody else who isn’t Orlando Bloom or Johnny Depp. XD )
*snuggles back* Thankful for YOU, lovely!
I’ll gladly take all the Norrington, too. XD
Don’t get me wrong–Norrington is awesome. But not applicable to my daily sanity/survival. (then again, neither is Johnny Depp except for the #YUM factor) >_>
Oh, you’ve made me go dig out my old Orlando Bloom and Spike (from Buffy) calendars. Now I know why I never toss anything out. Ooooh…lookie…teh pretty!
Mmmm…love teh pretty!