
I edited FIFTEEN scenes today!  Or, yesterday, maybe, as it’s after midnight.

FIFTEEN!!  I’m 35% done!  Yay!  And I can’t wait, only fifteen more days to take advantage of the free book from Lulu…  And Flame.  I want to get back to worldbuilding and conlanging and writing Flame…

Okay.  I am waaaayyyy past my bedtime here.  I’m very excited and I need to knock it off and go to sleep.  This could be difficult.

Yeah.  I’m having trouble thinking in good sentences.  And I can’t remember what all I wanted to say.  Typing fast, but making lots of mistakes.  Manic, anyone?

Fuggit.  Going the hell to bed.  If my brain still won’t slow down, I’ll bash myself with a frying pan.  (kidding!)

Good night, Blogodytes!  (like troglodyte.  cool, ne?)  (where the hell does that word come from anyway?)

*zips off to Merriam-Webster *

Main Entry: trog·lo·dyte
Pronunciation: ‘trä-gl&-“dIt
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin troglodytae, plural, from Greek trOglodytai, from trOglE hole, cave (akin to Greek trOgein to gnaw, Armenian aracem I lead to pasture, graze) + dyein to enter
1 : a member of any of various peoples (as in antiquity) who lived or were reputed to live chiefly in caves
2 : a person characterized by reclusive habits or outmoded or reactionary attitudes

Hee hee ha hee, oh, that is SOOOO perfect…think I just found the new name for my blog!

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