So yesterday was a bit obnoxious. Crappy day at work, came home to non-working fridge and pain in the neck child and ended up too tired to NaNo.
This morning was not shaping up well. My back hurt a lot, I was tired despite going to bed early, and the computers and phones were still not expected to be functional at work. I even typed this in my 750 words.
Man, this day is shaping up to be worse than yesterday. Can I just skip it? I’ll even forfeit all the stuff it’s slightly possible I could get done tonight, if I can just skip the day. Can I go back to bed?
I should have done it. If I had, when the toilet started overflowing this afternoon, I and my knowledge of where the water valve is could have prevented the major flooding that occurred before I could get home.
Before you start wondering what kind of slum lord runs this place, don’t. I have a great landlord, and he is on top of things. No, I know whose fault this mess is, and I’ll tell you.
It’s Chris Baty’s fault.
He’s the creator of NaNo, you see, and the NaNo curse strikes year after year–my friend’s marriage fell apart her first NaNo. Another broke her wrist. Many a friend has dropped out after their hard drive had a meltdown. (Hence National Back Up Your Novel Day falling four times within the month of November.)
So yeah. I’m just the latest victim of Chris Baty’s brain-child.
You know, this kind of makes sense. My entire life went crazy my first nano. Not fun.
*Hugs* I heard about the flooding. I hope things pick up soon, sounds like life’s slinging at you everything it’s got right now.
*clings* Thanks. Yeah, it does feel that way. I’ve got MAYBE five hundred words. 🙁
*sends much love and anti-curse vibes*