I’m dropping out of NaNo. I’ve thought about it long and hard (about half an hour!) and I need to do this.
NaNo, as I’ve stated more than once, should be fun. Yes, it’s a challenge, but if you’re not having fun, something needs to be re-evaluated.
I’m not having fun. I don’t know why–I think my planning fell short in some way I haven’t figured out yet. I could certainly push on–I’ve done so in the past, and been glad I did–but this year I have a deadline coming up on something else. So.
I’ve won NaNo five years running. It’s not like I’m running from a challenge. As my roommate put it, it’s not like I need NaNo to make me finish things.
I’m not having fun, and the more I don’t write because I don’t want to, the more stressed I get. My editing deadline looms, and I can’t work on it with a wordcount crisis hanging over me.
So I’m dropping out of NaNo. I’m going to finish editing Joss, and in December I will finish more things. In January or so, I’ll have Joss back again. In February, I’ll write things.
My NaNoing (for this year!) ends, but my writing goes on.
I’ve won every year since ’05, and my heart just isn’t in it this year. I want to keep going ’cause I’ve won every year, I’ve got a great streak, but… each year it gets harder and harder to do.
*hug* That’s one reason I decided I should drop it–I don’t want to get it stuck in my head that I MUST ALWAYS DO NANO. Sometimes it just doesn’t fit my schedule–and that needs to be fine.
If you decide to let it go this year, you can join me in cheering our friends on?
I agree so much. Writing should be fun – if it’s not, then something’s wrong. But I must say – impressed that you’ve done it for 5 years in a row! I think you’ve earned a break.
Thank you! I love NaNo, and I’ll almost certainly do it again next year. What better excuse to drop everything and write like a wild writer person?
Totally understandable, KD. *huggles*
I totally support your decision KD and respect it.
Sometimes, I wish I could drop out, but as an ML, I sign a contract saying I will make an effort to reach 50k, so on I go. I guess in a way, the push is good, but it does make life a little frustrating.
I can see where that would! The masses need your inspiration, though, so onward, great leader! 🙂
You’re doing fabulous, btw.