Quoting from this site:
An internal report by the FBI has catalogued a long list of abuses of prisoners held at the US detention centre in Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. At least 26 agency employees say they witnessed inmates being mistreated and subjected to harsh interrogation. (These are FBI employees doing the reporting–not cooks or dishwashers we can say don’t know what they’re talking about)
One reported seeing a man whose head was covered in duct tape, another saw detainees chained from hand to foot in the foetal position for up to 24 hours.
Going on five years now. Think about the last five years of your life. And then imagine having spent them at Gitmo. Imagine still being there. Still not knowing if you’ll ever be released–or even charged.
Sure, Bush says they’re key to the war on terror. But Bush says a lot of things. Does anyone believe anything he says anymore?
This has got to end.