This is my thousandth blog entry. It seems an appropriate time to reflect.
I started this blog a few days after I got AOL. Here’s my first post, in its entirety:
Okay, so there isn’t actually any writing here yet. Give me time, I’ve only been on-line outside of work for a week! At work, I do try to work…
Ah yes, the stuff of poignant reflection, that. But as I read on…it wasn’t long before I started talking about my writing. That was, after all, the point of getting my blog. And an amazing thing happened. The more I talked about my writing–the more writing I did. The experienced writer will tell you it’s possible to talk all the zing out of your story, and I believe it. But it’s also possible to talk your way into taking your work more seriously. Reporting daily on my work made me more likely to work daily.
And that’s as philosophical as I get tonight, as it’s already 01-blinking-30. Just noticed that. Note to self–when fully decaffed, do NOT drink a diet Coke with dinner just because you ordered in pizza. Especially when dinner didn’t happen till 2000.
Lots of progress today. I got the revisions in on 132 of 230 pages. That includes writing two completely new scenes. The really good news is, the book is 76,000 words now. That puts it within publishers’ guidelines, yay!!
I’m looking into learning Dvorak. It’s supposed to be a lot easier on the hands. I think the make-or-break will be if I can switch my keyboard at work. It would be really confusing to use one layout all day, then come home to a different one. Not to mention how it would slow my learning curve…
We’ll see. My wrists are certainly hoping I come up with some way to make the novelist’s life easier on them.
And thus ends my one thousandth blog entry.