Don’t mind me. I just want to remember how this worked so I can figure out the next big plot issue. 🙂
From my 750 Words this morning:
Wish I knew how much of my wander-off obsession was feeding the muses and how much just wasting time. >.<
Trying to fall into Tiger and Bunny fandom right now. Trying not to, rather. I can’t help that they are JUST SO PRETTY and the dynamics of the relationship are fascinating. I’m hoping I can manage to stick it in my brain and bring it back for later use. Some of it really works for Keen and Ro, but other bits do NOT.
Hmm. Maybe I can look around for a parallel for Luc, then…Keen doesn’t have a ton of respect for him. I mean, he does, but… argh. Part of my problem right there. I don’t know the link between them that well. It’s mostly there because of Luc’s dad.
Well, there’s something to explore. In the beginning, they’ve been together a lot for a long time, but Luc is stuck on Keen’s hotness and Keen is Not Interested. Being alone together changes things. Luc thanks Keen when he does stuff now. Before it was a servant doing servant things, but Keen often DOESN’T do the things, and so Luc has figured out there’s a difference.
Yeah, that’s part of the problem right there. We come in with Luc knowing how awesome Keen is, how beautiful his home is. Maybe something needs to happen right off where Luc swears off drinking for a while. THEN they go touring the family and he starts seeing what he hasn’t seen for so long.
holy smokes, did I actually just make progress on figuring Keen and Luc out? And then the theme would be “Don’t know what you got till it’s gone.” Oh man. Not cool, but very cool. So awesome, really. You guys are amazing.
It works both ways. Luc doesn’t know how awesome Keen is–he’s just been seeing the hotness. And if he’d kept drinking, he wouldn’t have seen what happened, wouldn’t have got involved, and would have [spoiler]. And he took his planet for granted before he stopped drinking–so he wouldn’t have cared as much about it being despoiled. It also works for Keen–he was able to keep Luc at a distance for a very long time, then starts letting him close because he finally sees the good in Luc, and bam–[spoiler]. I’ve even got Rafe telling everyone to grab the good with both hands before it vanishes. Oh MAN, you guys are amazing!
Need more words before I go, come on… I’m just stunned. I can’t believe it’s all RIGHT THERE and has been all along. You muses are so clever!
Onward. Will this help the Tiger and Bunny obsession slack off? Not really. It’s too lovely. But it will help when it’s time to get back to Keen. I need to know my schedule– should I be diving into editing Donte, or can I go work on Keen when I’m done with Donte? Joss, I mean. When I’m done with this edit of Joss.
Problem is that it’s all editing. No new stuff on the horizon–but then I have tons of stuff to work on, and much of it needs so much work that there’s plenty of new writing to be done. I’m not sure the “no new stuff” is actually a problem. I mean, I started a new novel in November, and it didn’t go well due to the distractions of all the stuff that needed doing. It’s time to clear the decks a bit, and that means getting stuff done. Taro and Rafe don’t need editing any more, and Joss is almost there. This is a GOOD feeling. I can do this–and enjoy it! I’m so blown away by my muses, holy shit they’re amazing.
So. Yeah. TL;DR: Â Muses are awesome.