Try how fast it flies when you carve out writing time and then waste it doing other things. I’m so serious. Google something for research. Bam! Twenty minutes, gone in a heartbeat. Go searching for the right word and get distracted. Bam! You just burned through seventeen minutes and didn’t even see it going.
Writing time is precious. Writers all know this. But when we manage to carve some out of our busy schedule, do we actually use it to write?
Not hardly. Not all of us, anyway.
KD, ceasing to add words does not keep you in writing time, alas. Writing time runs out whether you use it or not. I say, use it! I am almost done. I should post a quick and thoughtful (Ha!) post about using your writing time.
I say some really silly things when typing fast first thing in the morning. That’s from my 750 words this morning. I get up half an hour earlier than I have to every day to write. And what do I do?
I type. I check my email. I check twitter. I drag myself back to 750words.com. I wander off to see if it’s my turn on Words with Friends.
Why do I do this? I don’t know. I should think about it, but…I think I’ll go work on my writing instead.
Until I wander into TV Tropes or Wikipedia or National Geographic, anyway.