So I’m between edits again. Last time it was December, and I had about a gazillion things to get done before the manuscript came back to me. Most of them didn’t get done.
Does that mean I go back to my December to-do list and have at it again? Not really.
Well, okay. Some of those things are reappearing on the rest-of-February list. Others, like dishes and dusting, are perpetual.
But it’s spring. (I’m in Tucson. It’s spring. Hush.) So instead of “good God, get ready for the holidays!” I’m thinking “clean out for spring!” Therefore, I’m asking myself deep and probing questions on matters of dire consequence.
Like “why do I have Mulder and Scully action figures eight years after the X-Files fan died?”
“How did a bobble-headed cat find its way into my hair stuff drawer? Why do I have a hair stuff drawer if I’m keeping it short from now on?”
“Where do I put the cat-ears if I get rid of the hair stuff drawer?”
“Has this electric shaver ever worked?”
“Seriously, when is the last time the telescope was moved except out of the way?”
It is hard to part with things, sometimes. But I really love having room to move and dream (not to mention the ease of cleaning without all that crap in the way!) so I shall steel myself to do it.
Now, any ideas how to get this squawking rubber chicken out of my sock drawer without the kid hearing and trying to reclaim it? It is a very sensitive squawking rubber chicken.
Spring? SPRING???!?!! It’s horribly cold here right now. I’m terribly jealous.
(Really it’s just in the teens. Not even below zero. I’ve just gotten spoiled by the mild weather this winter.)
Yay for cleaning out! But I have no suggestions about the chicken. Unless the kid will be out of the house when you’re home in the near future.
You should come visit. *nod nod*