So there’s this awesome artist I’ve admired for some time. We met on a writers’ forum, and I’ve always been awed by her work. From her mobsters
to her steampunk universe
to her random characters of what universe I can’t keep track of, because she’s so marvelously creative I can’t keep up
I am unfailingly thrilled and inspired by her art.
She writes books too. I’ve followed her NaNo adventures with glee, and I’m still hoping to get my hands on her novels one day. Unsurprisingly she’s a little too busy creating awesome to get around to editing as fast as I’d like.
So anyway. If I were you, I’d keep an eye on Anna Landin, since more marvelosity is sure to follow. Maybe acquire the first volume of Fathoms of the Sky. And squee with me that she’s doing the cover of Queen’s Man.
I received a concept sketch today, and my boys…oh, my boys. Joss and Zeke are looking good.
*MINE in the title means, of course, that I have secured her services for my book cover. I would totally not steal her away and lock her in a room with everything she loves and make her draw and write and everything forever, noooo… >_>