The rules:
Go to page 77 (or 7) of your current manuscript.
Go to line 7.
Copy the next 7 lines or paragraphs as they are written and post them.
Tag 7 more authors.
I have a confession to make–I don’t read a lot of blogs. Everyone I know has already done this meme. So I can’t tag anyone, but if you want to join in, please consider yourself tagged!
So anyway. From Queen’s Man, releasing tomorrow (EEEEeeeeeeee!!!) :
“If I could prove it,” Rukya interrupted, “I’d have killed her already.”
Right. Ontanashi was Rukya’s uncle. Joss heard her breathe.
“No,” she said. “Failing to eliminate Zeke, she took the next best target. But I cannot prove it.”
“Next best since she couldn’t get to you.” Joss tapped his fingers on the desk. Fingertips, lightly, so Rukya wouldn’t reach through the phone and smack him. “This isn’t just a spontaneous power grab, is it?”
“Abbie pushed the discussion to chaos deliberately, Joss. If she knew anyone else would be armed, I’ll swear she planned the whole thing so she could shoot people.”
I was tagged by the Amazing Siri Paulson (that’s her name. I’ve decided.) and the lovely Murphy.
She called me amazing! I like her. She can stay.
I’m trawling through your blog because I’m having a slow morning, so I stumbled on this. And decided to do it, because it sounds like a fun exercise.
Here’s the Lucky 7-version of It’s Raining In Chicago, redux (the first) (completely unedited):
Or, you know, I could get my HTML-coding right and actually include the damned quote: here we go, with no fancy tags this time:
Zach forgot how to breathe, and only remembered again when bright spots swam across his field of vision. Mutely, he stared up at Emily, who gave him a brittle but hopeful sort of smile and held out his cell phone. For the longest time, Zach could do nothing but stare, shivering and tense and frozen on the spot.
“Go ahead,” she said.
He reached out and took the cell phone with cold, nerveless hands. His fingers shook as the pressed the right numbers, one after the other, to the tune of muted beeps.
The dial tone shivered like the voice of hope through the dark.
I still want to read that book. And all the other ones.
That, ladies and gents, is the multi-talented lady who drew the cover of Queen’s Man. ^___^