There comes a point in most stories where it all comes together. Everything I’ve painstakingly researched, pondered, arranged and written, all comes together and I’m typing like the wind, trying to keep up with the story finally blossoming in my brain.
Of course it’s an illusion–I’m probably going to hit at least one more wall. But it’s great while it lasts. It’s an utter dream.
I call it the straightaway, and I haven’t hit it in this story yet. I keep thinking I have, but it doesn’t last long and then I hit another glitch. Scenes still coming out of nowhere is a good sign that I don’t know where I’m going quite yet.
Of the last three scenes I’d planned, I wrote one. The other two I scrapped in favor of other, more original and more true-to-the-story scenes. I’m delighted with them, but new-to-me scenes take longer to write, and I’m running out of time.
This is spring break for me. Five days off work, all (so far) spent writing a story I love. This is heaven. But I could sure use that burst of It’s all coming together. If for no other reason than the speed–this story is due in a week and for all I know I still have ten thousand words to write.
Lork, I hope not. I want time to have it beta-ed and to edit based on those opinions!
Want me to cheer you on? *\o/* You can do it! Rah rah! 😉
All cheering appreciated–even long after it actually happened. 😉