In Lieu of Anything Intelligent…

…have some half-awake ramblings from my 750 words this morning. Some of it is actually addressed to you, gentle reader, because I was attempting to come up with a blog post but I kept wandering off.

Good morning, my lovelies. Have I told you how terribly pleased I am with Lukas and Alan? Well, I am. Monstrously so. That story is SUCH FUN and we only made it better with the edit. We had a tight deadline and a lot of words, but we got through it. And it’s grandn.

Also grand. >.>

Yes, Cut. Must see about getting back to your story soon. There are others lying about that I want to do too. Fanfic–must get on the fanfic. IT’s MAY and I promised.

How the freak is it May?

Whatever. We’re having fun, and that’s all that matters. Should I blog? I should, but all ideas just went scampering for dark places.

Like cockroaches.

Usually ideas are compared to bunnies, guys. Cute and fluffy. Yes, with hooked teeth, but still CUTE AND FLUFFY.

And that’s got me thinking of Stitch, which isn’t actually far wrong. I want to continue the analogy right now, but I can’t. All I can do is snicker.

So it’s done. Lukas and Alan is done, at 69,777 words. It grew over 4k in the editing. My stories do that, though. I get set on something and I have to go straight for the goal, and then come back later and explain it a bit more.

I’m just happy I didn’t have to ask for another extension. I’ve been promising my guys this break for months, and it’s three weeks overdue already. We were on the edge of a revolt.

So now I’ll catch up on the dishes, and try to get that fanfic finished (those fanfic, God help me) that I promised I’d try to end this year. I’ll show my roomie and my kid some movies they need to see. I’ll read some books (oh bliss!)

Before long I’ll be complaining about how I hate when I’m not writing. You have my permission to smack me with something. It won’t stop me from complaining, but it might make you feel better about having to endure it.

I know that breaks are necessary. I don’t have to like them. Even while enjoying them.

Someone should probably just go ahead and smack me now.


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