I’m trying to find some balance in my life. I’ve always chased after whatever I was interested in at the time, to the exclusion of other things. When I fell into Weiss fandom (my first forays into slash, ahh, nostalgia…), I stalked eBay for everything Weiss. Art books, DVDs, concert videos…I got ’em all. I spent a good amount of money, I had auction-winning strategies, I searched misspellings of the names to find stuff other fans weren’t bidding on…
Sometimes I still have the urge to go see if eBay has anything I missed, even though I only chased that obsession for…six months?
I’ve talked before about how I do that with writing. Since I’ve been doing it longer, it’s become incredibly ingrained. Even when I’m not on deadline–even when I’m not working on anything at all–I still feel like I should be writing, not _____________.
My friends talk about how busy they are, they never have much time for writing, then they talk about their wedding plans or their children or their journeys out into sunlit areas I rarely see, and a small annoying voice in my head goes “See? Having a life means NOT WRITING. Fuck that!”
Of course, there’s the other side to that, which I argue often in an attempt to shut that voice up. If we never live, how can we have anything to write ABOUT?
That voice doesn’t want to hear logic, let me tell you.
So anyway. Seeking some balance in my life. I’m a Trekkie who hasn’t seen the reboot. No, not even the first movie. I haven’t seen Avengers, OR any of the apparent prequels. By Buckbeak, I haven’t even seen the last THREE Harry Potter movies! Let alone read the latest Bekka Cooper/Tamora Pierce book, or the Amelia Peabody/Elizabeth Peters OR Miles/LMB book…
There has GOT to be a way to balance this stuff out. GOT TO BE. And I will find it.
Just as soon as I watch some movies and read some books.
That’s a good question and I’d like to know the answer too please.
When I figure it out, I’ll be sure to pass it on!