Adventure Week continues, but I’ve been too tired to blog. Also I’ve been trying to catch up on Camp NaNo. At this point (the morning of The End) I need about fifteen thousand words.
If I were a reasonable person, I’d give up. I may yet.
But. It’s 0748, and I have 35,401 words on Beast. I know I can type 15,000 words in a day, but can I write them?
Let’s see. 😀
ETA: At 0957 I have 37,368 words.
At 1101 the wordcount is 38,270.
At 1159 it’s 39,334.
Blast. 1301 and I’m calling it at 40,028. I’ve skipped too many scenes to plot properly (my later scenes grow out of earlier scenes) and my wrists are hurting. Also I have to meet my friend soon for the next phase of Adventure Week.
Next time, Camp NaNo. NEXT TIME.*
* “next time” will occur sometime when I haven’t planned a whole ton of exciting, exhausting, and fun stuff for the last week of the challenge. Boy, was that dumb!