In one of the Chronicles of Amber books towards the end of the first series, Corwin fears the Pattern, the source of all order in the multiverse, has been destroyed. A Storm of Chaos is coming at him, and he decides the only thing to do is to create a new Pattern.† Because they don’t like order, all the forces of Chaos try to distract him, to stop him.
Today I can really feel for Corwin.
I’m trying to write a book. I’ve been trying for a while on this one, off and on, then along came Fast Draft and I decided to get it done. But there’s been brain-melting heat, so my determination to write became just stubborn will to sit at the computer whether or not I got words. And there’s been work, which normally I have off in the summer but not this year. Which means I can’t turn my schedule around so I’m trying to write at midnight instead of three in the afternoon, a difference of thirty degrees. (See “brain-melting heat.”)
Anyway. I’ve struggled on, mostly meeting my goal. Today was the day I wanted to make up those days I didn’t make it. Today I wanted to power through, and maybe finish and if not at least get out of the dogdamn middle. The kid was away, the roommate was going out, I had nothing I had to do for this one day…
Text messages. Can’t turn my phone off, the kid’s not home. Can’t just not look–what if it’s urgent? My kid WILL do things like ask permission to do something extremely stupid and take my lack of answer as assent. I can tell people not to text me, but they don’t always listen.
Unhappy roommate, disturbed by the text messages. (If I’d known she could hear them, I would have turned my phone down but it didn’t occur to me.)
Leafblowers. The landscapers come on Saturday and dog knows why they need leafblowers for the palm trees and hedges in July, but they have them and they use them.
And now a storm is blowing in. I love storms and we need rain, but it’s two in the afternoon and it’s getting dark. Yes, I can write by hand by candlelight and I am prepared to do so, but that does not a brilliant wordcount make.
Whatever, Chaos. Bring it. I will put these words in order, and I will get this story done.
† It’s only sort of a very vague spoiler, okay? And anyway, why the hell haven’t you read those books yet? GO DO IT NOW.