So over on Tumblr, some time ago, a friend sent me “Tag! You’re it! The rules are to state 10 random facts about yourself. Then, go to ten blogs and tell them that they are it. ” I meant to respond some time ago, but then I finally started typing today and it ran long, so I’m putting most of it here. Tumblr is not so friendly to long posts (IMHO).
Therefore. Random things, muchly inspired by other things and stuff going on as I typed.
1. Security questions are really hard for me. My first dog? Umm, that was mine and mine alone, or that I loved? My favorite singer? Currently or overall? And has my “overall” changed since I answered this question? First employer? You mean babysitting, or real paycheck? Or paycheck-I-could-live-on? I know they don’t care, that they’re just asking for something I’ll remember, but will I remember which of those interpretations I chose?
2. Those personality tests to help you figure out what you’d be good at? Completely useless to me. Once I took the same test three times over three weeks, and it came out different each time. I’m not saying I’m all over the place–there are classifications I’ll never be ever–but it won’t be the same. This feeds into the #1 thing–today I might think “well, duh, they mean paycheck” but next week? “My first employer was the first person who paid me for work and that was–what do you mean, invalid answer?”
3. I can be very selfish, so I’ve tried to set up my life in order to not hurt anyone with it. Not interested in finding a man to ignore, thanks. Love dogs, don’t have one–they need attention in a way cats don’t. Two really good physically-near friends and one very quiet, dear-to-me roommate. Got it.
4. My kid was unintentional. (She knows this and we laugh about it.) I never meant to have kids, because of #3. In order to protect her from my selfishness, I’ve put in place the rule that when she wants me, she gets me. When you bring a kid into the world, you have to take care of them. This rule has resulted in some spoiling, but I’m working on that. Better spoiled than neglected, anyway. The real world will deal with spoilage if I can’t manage it. Neglected– those scars STAY.
5. My kid is probably the best thing that ever happened to me. I can’t hide away and be a hermit–I’ve got a kid to take care of. I can’t do a lot of things I’d like to do, like drop everything and go couch-surfing around the world, because of the kid, but other things I can’t do are hide in my room all the time, grow old and ignored and bitter, withdraw so far into myself I’m never seen again…stuff like that. She saves me.
6. I chose Kurt Vonnegut for my senior honors thesis for two reasons: his books were a lot shorter than all the other classics seemed to be, and I guessed that most people didn’t know who he was, so skipped over him on the list. I didn’t want to cover ground already covered a bazillion times, because I wanted to wow my beloved teacher. It amuses me now, because the underlying theme I thought he was conveying, since confirmed by a quote was “be kind.” I’ve always tried to be, and those books reinforced it.
7. I like dark chocolate best. Can’t even eat milk chocolate anymore. That doesn’t mean I want it as dark as it gets–about 70-85% is good. My absolute faves would be a toss-up between dark chocolate with caramel (Ghirardelli) and a dark chocolate with sea salt bar that Lindt makes. Oh, and there are these truffles someone gave me once that are TO DIE FOR but I do not alas remember the details. Was too busy dying.
8. I always mean to reply. I just don’t always manage it. Sometimes it takes me so long to scrape together enough social leanings that I decide it would just be silly to reply after so long, and I let it go. It’s the only way I can function.
9. At work, I can pretty much always be social. I have to be, to do my job properly. But that means when I get home, most of the time I’ve used it up. See #8.
10. I don’t know why people hate on Nickelback and I don’t care. I put it up there with Comic Sans–there’s nothing actually wrong with it, people just like to jump on bandwagons. I have Nickelback songs on my playlist and I love them. I use Comic Sans sometimes, but not where people will judge me–and that pisses me off. Did you know it’s one of the most readable on-screen fonts for dyslexics? But I can’t USE IT because all the not-dyslexics will judge me a rookie and an idiot.
We are so similar in some ways. And I love Comic Sans! But yeah, I won’t use it anywhere it will draw mockery either.
(“So similar” particularly on points 2, 3, 8, 9, and 10. Just for the record. Somewhat similar on point 1 – I may see a jillion interpretations of their questions, but I’m fairly good at remembering which I chose. Completely opposite on point 7. And thank all the gods that were, are, or ever will be that point 4 does not apply to me. I don’t think I’d do nearly as good a job as you do.)
(on #4, let’s wait and see if she ends up in prison or a stripper, shall we?) (Though if she were a truly happy stripper, I’d probably adjust to that eventually.)