I’m helpless and I hate it. Halfway across the continent from me, a young woman is fighting for her life. Halfway around the world, another is reeling from an awful discovery. I care very much about both of them, but there’s pretty much nothing I can do. I can’t rescue either. I can’t beat the crap out of their challenges. All I can do is cheer them on, and one of them can’t even hear me.
I fucking hate it. I’m not a take-charge kind of girl usually, but when people are hurting, I want to just stomp in and FIX IT. The more I love them the more I want to do it. And I can’t.
I can’t do anything.
And I hate it.
I hate that I feel like I have no faith in times like this. I’m not good at handing shit over to God. I can praise him all day long on good days and mean every word, but times like these…I feel so damned alone. And useless. And tongue-tied. And stupid.
This has been your helpless rant of the day, brought to you courtesy of a couple idiots who really should be smacked viciously about the head and shoulders.
I wanna go Eve on their asses. I want blood. I want vengeance.
Because I can’t fucking help, dammit.
*hugs* I understand. I know how frustrating it is. (I don’t know how to help you deal with it anymore than I can help you attack the problems.) *hugs again*
*keeps vibing for your n*
*hugs and clings*
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