Today I found this awesome review of Knight Errant, in which the author says they will reread KE, though they “NEVER read a book more than once!”
It’s hugely flattering! But the roomie and I didn’t understand how someone could read all (almost, yay!) (ahem) all books only once.
So I’m wondering. What’s your reread ratio? Most books I read just once, but when I read The Hobbit, I turned around and read it again something like eight more times. The library had to pry it back from me. With a crowbar.
I used to read LOTR every year, for something like fifteen years. I’ve read Watership Down at least five times. Captains Courageous, Rifles for Watie…I think those are my most reread.
What books do you reread, and how many times would you guess you’ve read them?
Well, let’s just say that I’ve read most Discworld books in excess of 5 times each (except for some of the early ones, like The Light Fantastic). I’ve just finished a re-read of the entire ASOIAF-series, the first three of which I’ve read four times, the fourth three times, and the fifth twice (with this re-read). I’ve read Nick Harkaway’s Gone-Away World three or four times. LOTR – well, I don’t know. Five or six times?
I try to find new books and new authors to read, because expanding one’s reading-horizons is a good thing, but I come back to books I love again and again – it’s like re-visiting old friends.
It is–it’s JUST like that. Well-put. 😀
Hm…I’ve read a lot books more than once – I couldn’t finance my reading without rereading, since I read a normal book in about two days and I’m reading daily. I’m addicted.
Of course I’ve reread some classics – like LOTR (hopefully we mean the same) I’ve started reading it in German about 32 years ago, then bought myself an English copy while on a class trip to England. Since then…maybe ten times? I haven’t done for a while because I actually now watch the movies – they are the best book adaption ever (just …missing Tom).
Okay – then there are series like Black Dagger Brotherhood that I’ve read more than once, too. When I like a book, I read it again.
I have “comfort-reads” like “Crossing Borders” by Z.A. Maxfield, that one I’ve read at least ten times, too.
At the moment I have the problem that my TBR-list is miles long so I don’t have so much time to reread. I only do it when I reach the end of my book budget or I know I have something important to do and can’t be distracted by a new book but need one I’ll be able to lay aside. If I find an awesome book I’ve already read on audio, I buy it for my “reread” – then at least I do some housework (e.g. the Cut and Run series).
Ooh, buying the audio book for “rereading” is a great idea! I could get stuff done that way…
I have some books that I’ve lost track of the number of times I’ve reread them. Primarily these are Anne McCaffrey’s Dragonriders series, and S.M. Stirling’s The Change series, but I have several individual books that I read again and again as well.
Yay, Dragonriders! Lessa rocks my socks. 🙂
I tend to only reread a book if it makes me go, “Holy shit, that was awesome!” Such books include HOWL’S MOVING CASTLE, JPOD and TALYN. I used to reread THE DREAM MERCHANT a fair bit — haven’t picked it up for years, I should read it again soon.
Oh man. Howl’s Moving Castle. I need to acquire my own copy and reread it about ten times. I’m putting that on my list.