Author and awesome lady Patricia Lynne tagged me for a blog hop. All you have to do is answer ten questions about your current work in progress and tag five other writers/bloggers and link to them. As it’s another lovely way to procrastinate, here’s my post.
1) What is the working title of your book?
I call it Donte, because it’s about…Donte.
2) Where did the idea come from for the book?
Donte showed up in an earlier Dream’verse book and in a plot-relevant episode was severely damaged. I couldn’t leave him like that, so I wrote a book to help him heal.
3) What genre does your book fall under?
Space opera, I suppose. There are spaceships and new-to-the-MC cultures. It’s much more about Donte than anything else.
4) Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?

This is interesting, because I’ve long since cast the MCs of this book. Ideally Donte would be played by (now sadly deceased) Jonathan Brandis. He’s utterly perfect for the role. A lot of what Donte tries to hide comes out in his eyes, and Jonathan Brandis was a gifted actor who could carry that off. Selene, on the other hand, would be played by a young Salma Hayek. She’s Latina, as lovely as I’ve written Selene, and can certainly pull off Selene’s DIAF attitude. She doesn’t have to be good at getting feelings across without words–Selene will tell you just how stupid you are being.

Current actors? I don’t know the young ones. Umm… If Selena Gomez can pull off a “die in a fire you prick” attitude, she could play Selene. I can’t think of anyone young enough to play Donte who could do it. Tom Hiddleston might pull it off, but I think Tom Hiddleston could pull off just about any role, including Selene. >_>
Jensen Ackles could do it, if he were younger. (Gawd, it’s odd to think of him as too old!) Elijah Wood? He’s the wrong coloring, but that’s not really important to the story. And I know he could do it. He has the eyes for it and he still looks young enough.
A friend suggested Zac Efron, and I think she’s got a point. Beat him up, dirty him up, I think he can play desperate and haunted. I’d like to see him try. I think the man has more acting chops than High School Musical let him show.
5) What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?
Donte is trying to settle into civilized life, but when the boy he is tutoring is kidnapped, he throws everything aside to save the boy from the horrors he knows all too well.
6) Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?
Self-published. I’m having fun.
7) How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
Less than a month! I started Donte in anger, and finished his book in urgency. I couldn’t write fast enough; the story had to get out of me.
8) What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?
Ooh…tough one. Rimrunners, by CJ Cherryh, has some similarities. Bet can handle herself, but life knocked her down and walked on her, and she has to learn to take her power back. And Merchanter’s Luck, also by CJ Cherryh. Sandy has horrors in his past and trust is hard.
9) Who or what inspired you to write this book?
Some of Donte’s struggles mirror those of someone close to me, who couldn’t find the strength to fight his demons and chose to die instead. Though much of the plot of Donte’s book was around long before those events, I’m sure that was a major impetus in finally writing this book, and in writing it so quickly.
10) What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?
When Selene Ramirez, violent, arrogant, and angry, meets Eve Marcori, cool, confident, and amused–man, I love that scene. I love Selene all around. She’s a strong woman without being a perfect one, and her temper makes me grin.
And here are my victims suggested posters:
Let the games begin! 😀
*giggle* Okay, I gigglesnorted at the idea of Hiddles as Selene. Just.. *snork* As for Zac Efron…. I’m iffy on that one. He hasn’t yet blown me away in a performance. But, for all the crap people say about her, in terms of looks for Selene, I think Megan Fox would work. And I betcha she could pull off the attitude.
Oh, and Selene meeting Eve? *rolls around laughing*
Can I read it, KD? Can I can I can I? 😀
I dunno–CAN you read it?
As for Zac Efron, I haven’t seen him in anything but High School Musical. He has lots of room to wow me. And he does have the eyes!
Megan Fox could carry the look and attitude, certainly, but it’s my dream cast, so I’ll cast a Hispanic woman as my Latina character.
Sounds interesting. Especially imagining Tom Hiddleston playing all the characters. lol!
Oh lork, now I’m envisioning something like the STNG episode “A Fistful of Datas.” XD
I’d watch the hell outta that movie, tho. >_>