So. Another weekend, which means time to do things I want/need to do that are not “work for other people.”
From my 750 words this morning:
I have many, many things I should do today. I wonder if I’ll get to any of them.
Actually, I will get to some, at least, or there will be hell to pay.
Screw it. I’ll race myself. What can KD get done in a day? LET’S SEE.
We’re going to try something here at KD Blogs Things.†We’re going to see how fast/well we can get a rather long list of things done.
Considering it’s NOON and I’m just posting the list, this could be…not pretty.
Whatevs. Bring it, world.
What do I want to do today?
750 words No, I’m totally not taking credit for things already done, what are you talking about?Pay BillsBlogClear my deskPlan shoppingShopping- Edit two scenes
- Write Selene POV scene
- Homework
- Put laundry away
Use Google Image to find the name of that thing on my site that doesn’t work properly, then DEDUCE A WAY TO FIX. GO ME!!Keep child busy. She has some bad grades. If I kick her off the computer entirely though, NO ONE gets anything done. So my solution is to give her tons more chores than usual, in retribution for her not doing her homework. Yes, it is great parenting. Shut up.Talk to child I’m making an effort to check in with her more. Besides, she’s a neat person to talk to.
I should ponder a reward if I get a good amount done, too. And I don’t even have to ponder. If I get enough done, I get to watch The Avengers. To make it relevant, I’ll watch it with Spanish subtitles (or watch it in Spanish? But then I don’t get to hear Tom Hiddleston’s voice!)
I’ll decide that later. If I get enough done, I get to watch The Avengers tonight. As I’ve been too busy to watch it EVEN ONCE since it arrived, that is an awesome reward.
Cheer me on!
†Not actually the name of the site.
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