The Joys of Message Boards…

Okay, the internet proved its usefulness once again. I posted as a joke, just because there was nothing on the board, and received a very insightful response that sent me scurrying to re-write.

Of course, I knew that to a Marine, a gun is never just a gun. It’s a SAW, or a Glock, or an M-16. So why did I think I could get away with Marcori carrying a blaster? Just a plain old blaster? Not! One more gem polished, to make my book even better…

The Other*Worlds*Cafe was very educational tonight too. We were discussing interstellar drives, and while I don’t plan on using any of those ideas in my novel, (I like hyperspace!) I do plan to write more novels. And I “met” someone who lives not too far away, and wants to read my book! Cool!

BJ and I exchanged Parts 2 a few minutes ago. I should really go read, but if it’s half as long as part 1, I’ll never finish it tonight. Or I will, and wish I hadn’t, I’ll be so tired… So I guess I’ll wait for morning.

I received another poem from the lady I talked to yesterday. She’s improving. I love the way the internet lets solitary people (Writers!) connect, without dragging us too far from our mss. (Manuscripts.) And it’s so easy to exchange ideas!

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