So I’ve mentioned here and there on the great wide internet that I’ve had a nasty cold this past week. From the first day it affected my voice, so every single person who talked to me knew I had a cold.
Almost every single person had a sure-fire cure-all they had to share with me.
Now, I have no problem with this. I was miserable, and people wanted to help. It’s really very sweet. From the person who diagnosed me with “influenza b” from the sound of my cough to the person telling me how to make a decoction of licorice root to add to a tisane of nettles, I am grateful. I like being cared about. However, I must say one thing.
By the name of all that is good and holy, stop telling people “no drugs, so it’s all safe and natural.”
What in hell do you think drugs ARE? Sure, most of them now are distilled down to just the active ingredient and inactive filler, but where do you think those drugs come from? Aspirin came from willow bark. Acetaminophen (Tylenol, Paracetamol) came from coal tar.
You gonna go eat coal tar to get your Tylenol in purer form?
I am not, in any way shape or form, against a holistic approach to health. I’d much rather drink a tea than take a pill myself. I know there are answers you don’t get from a doctor because it doesn’t put any money in anyone’s pockets.
I also know that most if not all herbal remedies are not regulated, that dosage can therefore vary wildly, and that too much of pretty much ANYTHING can screw you up. All natural doesn’t mean you don’t have to think.
But for those who like to insist you can have/do as much as you want of some herbal remedy because it’s all natural, I invite you to enjoy this lovely cup of hemlock tea.