So if you’ve been around lately, you may have read that due to a Financial Aid issue, I had to pay for my spring semester myself, and I found this out two days before tuition was due.
That wiped me out. I don’t know about you, but I don’t have $500 just lying around. I had to put it on my credit card. My emergencies-only (supposedly) credit card. I thought about just letting the semester go, but in the end I decided to risk not having an emergency cushion, and paid. Eventually I’d recover financially. It’d be fine.
Of course, I shortly thereafter developed a toothache. It hung around despite everything I could do, and I decided I must have an infection. I’ve had them before–that’s what years of poor dental care (Teeth are a luxury, man! Employees don’t need dental insurance!) will do to you.
Always before, though, I’ve scraped the money together to go to the dentist. A dental visit, a $5 prescription, and I was good to go (even though I still had the cavity that caused the original problem, but whatever.)
This time I just didn’t have it. I couldn’t scrape the money together because there was no money anywhere. Even my tiny cash-stash was gone, deposited to cover the automatic payments about to come due. My roommate had $7 to her name, my kid $5.
So I asked the internet what people used to do for dental infections. I found out that you can buy penicillin for fish online, and the dosage for a human, but I didn’t have that money either.
Then I found that garlic is apparently a natural antibacterial. I had a jar of minced garlic in my fridge! I tried it.
Holding minced garlic in your mouth for half an hour is awful. But it seemed to work! One treatment and my pain was gone!
It came back. I tried again, a couple times. Each time the pain would go, but it wouldn’t stay gone. So I brought out the big guns–I also had fresh garlic on hand. I broke off one clove, cut the ends off, smashed it with the handle of the knife, and placed it in my mouth beside what I suspected to be the inspected tooth.
Hell yes, it burned. It hurt like hell sometimes. I developed sore spots in my cheek that might have been from the garlic juice or from the rough edges of the clove. I tried once, twice, but it’s hard to find well-spaced times in a weekday to hold a clove of garlic in your mouth for half an hour. Still, whatever I managed helped. Then came the weekend, and I did it three times a day for two days, and since last weekend my tooth pain has been gone.
Would I rather go to the dentist and then take a pill for a few days? Hell yes. But if you’re ever stuck on the edge without that option, here’s an affordable and not dangerous alternative that truly does work.
Ack! So sorry you had to deal with that, but I’m glad you found something that helped (finally). *hugs and hugs and hugs*
Thanks. 🙂 *hug*
Whew, glad to know the garlic worked. My hubby had tooth pain around Christmas time when we were traveling, but some pain killers were able to ease the discomfort. There are lots of natural remedies that people don’t know about. Just yesterday I saw a post on Tumblr about honey and cinnamon and their benefits together.
Hmm, two OTHER things I pretty much always have in the house. I’ll have to investigate for future reference. Thanks!
…I feel for you. Also I am finally reading your blog. Since I link to it. I’m only going through 2013, though. Is that okay?
Of course it’s okay. *hug*