Weekend, yay! I’ve been needing it all week! When you start on Monday afternoon going “it really needs to be Friday,” you can guess the rest of the week is not going to be peachy. I spent much of it going “I’ll get that this weekend” and then fretting that my weekend would be miserable. But what could I do? I know it would probably be fatal to get behind in Algebra, I had to deal with house things before things started falling over or exploding…
Yesterday I had a list that had me worried.
Study Spanish
Put the dishes away
clear desk
dishes washed
fix anthologies
car emissions
TDP Post
Spanish Quiz
Water Plants
You have to admit, that is a pretty big list for a Saturday. Not on the list were time-consuming things like “parent sick child” and “hang out with friend in need.” They are important things–too important for a list. Those things take precedence over any and all lists. Also important is “get some relaxing in!”
Luckily in my world, it’s perfectly acceptable to move things to a more sensible day. As I was taught in my Master Student course (I just love that name…) I have to prioritize. So.
Laundry was moved ahead (to today, oh joy) because it takes all day to do a load without a dryer, and roomie was out of clean clothes and I wasn’t quite. Taking the car through emissions got moved to Monday because they are open Monday. I didn’t think they would be, and I’m hopeful the line will be short because everyone else thought they would be closed too. TDP post got moved to today, because I thought about it but I just didn’t get on it yesterday. And Spanish Quiz was moved back because it’s going to cover all last semester, and I’m not ready for it. Due date is 1/25. I’ll probably take it 1/24 because I don’t like cutting it close.
Once all that stuff was moved? I got to cross off the rest of the list. I even washed dishes TWICE, and during my desk-clearing shoveled five email inboxes down to less than a page each. Go me!â€
Today’s list is long as well.
Study Spanish
Laundry Out     In (washed and hung out, then brought in)
Dishes put away
Dishes washed
Food made (I try to have some leftovers lying about for lunches and when I don’t want to cook during the week)
TDP post
6-Sentence Post?
Ace Hardware
Repot plants
Pick up RX
I’m already ahead, because I put the dishes away while my breakfast cooked, and I wrote the TDP post as the first four hundred words of my daily 750 (also too important to be delegated to a list). And these words have put me past 850 on my 750.
Yay, me! Now to conquer the rest of that list…
†For large things on the list, like studying five chapters of Spanish, or editing an entire novel, I get credit for doing a length of time that depends on how much I have left to do and when the deadline is. Trust me, I did these things in good proportions.
Whoo! Look at that list go down! *\o/*
*Don’t worry, I don’t wield pompons with any dangerous intent. I’m a peaceful cheerleader.)