Bureaucrats Should be Shot

Anyone who hides behind the rules instead of doing what they damn well know they ought, needs to be gotten rid of. Think of all the things that would get better.

All I want to do is cash a measly little $120 rebate check for his cell phone. I can prove he’s dead, I can prove I’m his wife and next of kin. But the rebate company can’t give me a check in my name, and since the check was printed after he died, the bank won’t cash it. Five people and counting, completely unable to help me. They say. And pass me on to the next person.

My daughter doesn’t have insurance. I can’t afford a quarter of my income every month to pay for it. According to the government, I make too much for them to pay for it. And she can’t get into the next-best (the best won’t touch her for months) counseling program around without insurance. Even with CPS standing there willing to foot the bill, she can’t get in. Do they not trust the word of the State of Arizona?

I still don’t have his things, including the cell phone. The CPS worker was going to pay the bill, but the manager jacked it up to $265, and she is having a hard time swinging it through her funding. That bill, by the way, includes two pillows at $25 each.

This wasn’t the Radisson, folks.

When Chris was angry, he would frequently announce how he hated the whole human race. Now, when it doesn’t matter that I understand his feelings, I’ve figured out he was right. There certainly aren’t enough good people on this planet to justify our existence. God should just wipe the slate and start over.

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