I Need a Bigger Rock

And then you all could hide under it with me. You would, right? We’d have s’mores. It’d be fun.


I’m stressed at work and keep falling behind on my homework and this story is not wanting to go. So I’m a bit rocky to start. When other things come along, like the %%$$$!! some @#$$! chose to inflict on Boston, or the call I had to make today to protect a child that should never have been in danger, and the ripple effect it’s had on other children in my care…

Well, I just don’t want to have anything to do with anyone. But then I remind myself that there are good people out there. I particularly love this–

Screw those jerks. Thank you, good people who ran towards the explosions to help. Thank you, all of you out there helping with places for runners to stay or places to charge cell phones or whatever you are doing to help. Thank you, all of you disgusted by this. I’m glad I’m on your team.

It makes me want to mis-quote Jayne. “Shiny. Let’s be good guys.”

Screw the evil. It can kiss my a##.

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