Many how-to authors will tell you that you can’t wait for inspiration. Never wait for it, make it happen, et cetera and so on.
I’ve come to the conclusion over the years that many how-to authors don’t actually have any idea how anyone else works.
One of the most prolific writers I know personally only writes when she’s inspired. Some of the least productive writers I know work the same way. They never force it, because they hate everything they write when they do. They don’t write much, but everything they write, they love.
If I worked that way, though, nothing would ever get done. If I have to drag the words out one at a time with a hand-cranked winch, that is what I do. Sometimes it does come out badly, but it all edits.
What’s important to me is getting the words on the page. I can fix it later.
This has been a brief tangent on the fact that there are many roads to Oz and all that. Find your own process–no one is right about everyone, with the possible exception of Neil Gaiman.
No one is right all the time, but no one will ever say they’re wrong if they think they are right.