I used to go nocturnal over the summer. It worked really well. I’d get up about noon, one o’clock, and about the time I moseyed my way through breakfast and coffee and “morning” internet surfing, by the time I was feeling up to sticking my head out my door, it would be time to go swimming for the last hour the pool was open. Then I’d come home and shower and have my lunch, and be right at that time of day when I feel most alive–after seven at night. Hang out with my online friends a bit, then as they faded out, I’d get to writing, editing, or whatever. Work for a while, then do some more internet stuffs, and stumble off to bed when the sprinklers came on at four in the morning.
Ahh. That was the life. Sigh. I miss the good old days when I could turn my schedule upside down for two solid months and really enjoy my vacation.
Now, though, I have Things going on in the summer. Not to mention I’m still working a few hours a day. Have to be up when everyone else is, never mind that it’s a HUNDRED FREAKING DEGREES OUT. Life goes on! Business must be done! Adulting must be accomplished!
But whatever. I still get a month on slightly less than half time. (I get paid on slightly less than half time too, but that has always been the deal. No whining about it now!) I’m just grumpy because I’ve gotten very little done for most of the past week because of the heat, and also because my “get stuff done time” has been occuring in my sleepiest part of the day.
Nocturnal rules, diurnal drools! And yawns, and naps…
*gives vibes*