Guess what I saw today? If you guessed anything other than Pacific Rim, maybe go get some coffee.
Pacific Rim. Holy BLEEP, I loved it!
Now, I’m definitely a giant robot fangirl. Love Robotech, adore Gundam, freaking CHEER when Escaflowne charges into the fight. I would steal this in a heartbeat.
I also love my monster movies. Godzilla, Rodan, Mothra, Gamera…oh yeah.
So when you give me a visually stunning, well-strung-together, beautifully designed homage to BOTH my giant mecha and my giant monsters?
I’m one happy girl.
But before you go “meh” all over me because you’re NOT a mecha/monster fangirl, let me say that I took my daughter and my roommate, Â who are also not mecha/monster fangirls, and both loved it.
Pacific Rim is just effing FUN.
I’ve heard complaints about the fights being hard to see, but I didn’t have any problem, and I often DO have trouble seeing scenes that are too dark. So there I think maybe it’s the 3D?
Mako stole my heart. I loved that not one person in the movie expected her to be weak. I love the scientists, separately and together. They are smart and geeky and weird and dedicated. I loved Idris Elba.
Dear Lork, Idris Elba. Someone get that man some more movies, STAT.
And then get me a Jaeger.
I saw it. You know what happened.