And Counting!

And we’re off! Again!

3065 words on the new book. Whoohoo! And already a few things have changed. Sheridon Keen Faal became Faolan, I mentioned that. The other guy in the book was supposed to be Lucien Caprice. But I didn’t like Luc and Lan, so I changed him to Angelo. Then I realized I had Faolan Faal, and I didn’t like that. So now it’s Keen Connley Faolan and Angelo Lucien Caprice, and I really hope I’m done changing names, because I’m confused.

And now that I’ve confused you, I’m going back to it. Even though I’m yawning my head off. I’m not quite seeing road Martians yet (back to that again!) so I must have at least another hundred words in me.


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