This is my repository of things I’d like to not forget, so I’ll be putting this here. It’s not really a recipe, but feel free to use it to accomplish food.
Saute half a yellow pepper, all an orange pepper, and a Vidalia onion in about a T of olive oil. After, you know, cleaning and chopping. Also three large mushrooms, sliced. Shake on some cumin. Once that’s cooked a while, in another pan heat a whole wheat tortilla with some low fat sharp cheddar cheese. I cut three slices off a small block, and cut those into smaller chunks and spread them. Then I dumped the veggies on top, and cooked an egg in the first pan. Put the egg on top of the veggies, and slid the whole thing onto a plate. It’s DELICIOUS. The egg doesn’t really add to it, but if I’d cooked it another way it might, so I might try. Or I might not mess with this, because it’s DELICIOUS.
Did I mention it’s yummy?
In other news, work is hard and writing while sleepy is even harder. But I persevere.
Trying to edit a Taro and Rafe novel (Damsel) and I’m having a hard time just finding the brain to write a new first scene. I’m also starting my NaNo flail a bit later than usual. I want to do it this year, I very much do! But I don’t know what to write. Most of my ideas are started, and it’s very hard going into NaNo with a well-begun work.
Also, on a side note, I have way too many incomplete stories lying about. Need to do something about that.
Taro and Rafe?!? More Taro and Rafe??!!!!!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY! *glomps all three of you*
I don’t think you quite got across that it was yummy. 😛