So life goes on. A bit of the sparkle is gone, but so is a lot of stress. I have a ton of things to do still, but I no longer need to stress about putting NaNo aside to do them–or about putting off more legitimate needs in order to self-indulgently NaNo. I actually read a book the other day! (His Majesty’s Dragon, and I very much enjoyed it.)
Final project is coming up in Spanish, and I’m trying to work up the courage to sign up for my oral final. I hate the oral finals, guys. Really hate them.
Went to the Humane Society to pet a kitty tonight. Yes, I have three cats at home. This was different. We were socializing some of the more reluctant kitties, because no one comes into the cat room and goes “I want that one, the one crouched down in the litterbox hissing at me.” Because scared cats hide in any box they can, you see. So anyway. I spent an hour talking baby talk to a lovely blue tabby who eventually let me stroke her with a feather (less stress for her, less chance of bites for me!) and finally let me scritch behind her ears before I left. I’ll go see her again Thursday if I can swing it.
What else? Today we were testing at my school. That means there’s a three hour block where the kids don’t get to go anywhere or do anything but test, and the teachers are all busy with that and unable to ask me for anything. So we in the office actually got a lot done. It was marvelous. We’ll be testing once more tomorrow, but then Thursday and Friday the kids get free dress, so the chaos then should make up for the calm two days.
Once I get the final project draft turned in (Friday) I’ll get back to Taro and Rafe like I said I would.
Still wondering just how and when my life got so busy. I want to take two classes next semester (got my eye on an anthropology course), but I’m just not sure how I’d find the time!
And with completion of this blog post, along with part of my final project I typed in 750words, I’ve got a 274-day streak. Steve the Pterodactyl remains mine.