It’s vacation, it’s vacation! Two weeks of winter break, here at last! I’m the hap-happiest girl in the whole USA…
Okay, I’ll stop singing. But seriously. I need this break so bad. I thought I was gonna shrivel up and die before we made it, but we finally all got out of there. The grades are out, the place is in good shape. All the plants watered and left to grow in peace (or more like, hibernate.)
I’ve got so much to dooooo…I want to make a list. And then I want to Do It All. All the things!
Yeah, I pretty much always plan that for vacation. And do I do things? Mostly not. But that’s okay too. Vacation should include a lot of turning your brain to vegetable matter, should it not?
Plan for tomorrow– walk dogs at the Humane Society, possibly duck into Starbucks to use one of my new gift cards, then over to the dear friend’s to wrap some presents while we chat like we haven’t done in ages. Sunday we’ll go to a friend’s Yule party if I can find the directions or if I lost the directions but still have her number in my old phone.
Into the whirl of social gaiety, I need to fit some editing. Actually, a lot of editing. I want to get my first NaNo, my Taro and Rafe in the wilderness mystery, straightened up enough to let other people read it.†It needs a HELLUVA lot of work, and I don’t know that I’ll have much time to work on it in the new semester.
Oh. Got a B for Spanish 201. I had been barely holding onto an A, but then I decided that it would be foolish to put myself through the stress and unreasoning anxiety of the oral final. I was nearly at the point of crawling under my bed every time I thought about it, so instead I just skipped it. A B is quite good enough. The point is to learn the language, after all, not wow people with my grades.
†Project subject to change. Because I do that.
Hurrah for vacation! And a B is a perfectly respectable grade. *glomps you*
(P.S. Your holiday package will probably not arrive until after Christmas.)
Yay, an extended Christmas! 😉