From my post of a day or two ago…
Apply for Davidson (another job. I keep wibbling about applying. It’s a lateral move, so the only reason to do it would be if I don’t think I can work things out with current principal) Removed from list. Friend called me and gave me the low-down on the situation. Doesn’t sound like an improvement!
Desk Organized
Living Room Unpacked, Sorted–got a bit farther on this today
Blog Post (Done today)
Get Back into Editing I started! I found the edited manuscript and opened Scrivener and made some notes!
Replace money taken from emergency fund
Kitchen Unpacked/Sorted Thanks to the housemate, this is nearly done
Lunch with D (a dear friend who hasn’t seen much of me lately) Planned for Thursday
Calendar and Whiteboard Up (because I’m lost without them) Man, I love putting chores on the whiteboard.
Shower Curtain for main bathroom
Write and Post Goals (went to a seminar on Friday. I’m going to get organized, I swear!)
Self Eval
Hope School–did some. Need to do lots more.
Also today:
Straighten out insurance clusterf*ck
go to post office
go to bank about fraudulent credit card use
MST appt
Get the car washed
Put together pretty new bookcase
Yay, me?
Definitely yay you! All the yays! *huggles*
^___^ Today we moved the new bookcase around until I found a spot I liked it in. Then I loaded it up. Five boxes and a couple bags of books later…it’s awesome! And my room is so SPACIOUS now!
Yay for space!!!