Some people would write a beautiful eulogy, but I really can’t.
This is Menace. He’s lived with me for nearly twelve years, since my husband Chris mysteriously “found” him and his brother wandering outside our apartment at about six weeks old.
My husband died ten years ago. Today Menace went to live with Chris. Those of us left behind are just sort of wandering around looking for someone who should be there–especially my cat Ravenclaw, who has been Menace’s snuggle-buddy for all the eight years of his furry little life.
We’ll miss your dumb fuzzy face, Menace. We’ll miss your astonishing leaps onto the top of the refrigerator, and your klutzy falling off windowsills wider than your butt. We’ll miss your purr and your chasing Ravenclaw through the house in the middle of the night and your warmth sitting on us on cold mornings when we didn’t want to get up anyway.
If Chris bugs you too much, just bite his nose like you used to do.
Oh KD, I’m so sorry for your loss, all of you. *hughughugs*
thank you. We’re missing him tonight. Especially Ravenclaw, who is wandering the house crying.
I’m sorry, KD.
So sorry to hear of your loss. They hold our hearts in their paws. Hugs and tea offered, peace and love wished for.
thanks, guys.