I’m beating my head against another story. It just. does not. want to. GO.
Part of the problem is that I didn’t have quite enough in the story to make me eager to write it. I mean, I started out wanting to, but then there was EFFORT, and there was RESEARCH (and not the fun kind) and then there was LIFE, and …meh. I couldn’t make any progress. I’ve tried and tried, but I’ve tossed more than I’ve kept and the deadline is looming.
More of the problem, though, is just how in hades to deal with a character who can’t speak to most of the rest of the people in the story. I have a character who speaks a rare (in the place she’s landed) language, and another translating for her. Everything has to be translated for her.
Do you have any idea how much that slows things down? How often my translator just wants to get on with things and leave her out of the conversation?
Okay, that creates conflict. But still. It’s a pain in the backside. I want to have bits of her language in there to anchor the reader, but first I have to make it up. And then every time I use it I have to translate it…
Sigh. Why do I always make it hard for myself?
I can’t wait to introduce you all to Che Bo, though. Bwaahahahaaa…
You know, I could do the research and then just give you the key points you need if it helps. And I work cheap. Just bring donuts Sunday and I will provide the juice and coffee 😉
I have no brain today (and didn’t have one last night or I’d have commented then). *loves on you*