The end of the school year is a big deal for me, especially when I’m not actually working into the summer. Two whole months off! Two whole months of living off my savings! Time to do ALL THE THINGS (that don’t cost much money.)
For years I’ve always had grandiose plans. There have been a couple Doomy Summers of Editing Doom. There was the year I bought a family swim pass and we went swimming every day because I was going to get healthy. Sometimes I turn my schedule upside down, going to bed at 5 a.m. and getting up at 1 or 2 in the afternoon. Sometimes (especially if I’m still getting paid to work into the summer, which generally happens at least a little) I just march on, getting up at 6 whether I’m going to work or not.
Maybe it’s how busy this year’s been, but I don’t have any grandiose plans at this point. I’m going to edit Damsel (again). I’m going to revise a few stories. I’ll hopefully clean my room. Maybe I’ll finally put away the last of the stuff from our move.
Maybe I’ll come up with a grandiose plan or two next week. 🙂