So since that marvelous seminar I went to back in April (or was it March?) I’ve been learning a bit more about how to be productive. Last night I was listening to a recorded webinar about “single-tasking.” One of the bits of advice was to “plan tomorrow today.” Meaning that you should walk into work knowing what you want to get done that day so you don’t spend your morning puttering about on things that don’t matter.
’cause I totally do that, yep. >.<
Anyway. I was thinking about what I could do at work Monday morning, completely overlooking the TWO MORNINGS between Friday night and Monday morning.
So this morning I made a list of things I’d really like (or absolutely need) to get done in the near future, and then I took a good amount of those things and put them on the list for today.
I took a large thing:
And broke it down.
Dust my room
move table out
move exercise bike in
I added a few fairly quick things I’ve been meaning to do for a while but haven’t gotten around to:
hang living room bulletin board
hang my bulletin board
Added in the must-dos that can be done while sitting at my computer taking a break from the rest:
Edit Damsel
Read for antho
Tossed in some planning
Plan for site-poking
Plan for tomorrow
And voilá! A completely do-able list that I keep coming back to and magically realizing, Oh, hey, I get to cross something off!
That’s part of the trick, of course. Do-able. If looking at your list makes you want to hide under your bed, that list is too long, or at least too heavily weighted.â€
Also I’m totally listening to Shakespear’s Sister because I found a CD while cleaning and I love this song so much.
Also also, the theme of this blog will be changing just as soon as I manage to pick a new theme. I love Atahualpa’s flexibility, but I’m at the point where I 1) want to make a change and 2) don’t want to have to put too much work into it. Customizing Atahualpa requires one to put in thought.
I’ve only got so much of that to go around, you know, and I have editing to do.
† Or your list just has something really awful on it. In which case you have my sympathies.
Ooh, I like the new look. Of course, I liked the old one too. Possibly I’m just easy-to-please when it comes to trappings, as long as the content’s good. *hug*
Hurrah for accomplishing things!
I’ve been meaning to make a change for a while. Then yesterday I noticed that my “attempting to give a damn” gif in “Windows classic” colors looked like part of my theme. Definitely time for new colors!