So I posted my angry rant about #YesAllWomen. That has consumed me for a few days–I think it’s important and I don’t want it to just taper off into silence. I’ve been discussing, and angrily reading tweets, and I’ve got to step away.
Today on my Twitter timeline appeared a link with a picture of a puffin (they’re cute!) and I clicked to find out that puffins are in trouble. Not only that, but they’re a “canary” species†, and we’re all in trouble.
I tweet. I blog. I sign internet petitions and real petitions and I donate when I can and I talk to people and I jump up and down and wave my arms.
And then I go somewhere else, and try not to think about Antarctic ice shelves and polar bears‡ and El Niño and stupid people and all that.
Luckily I have an escape ready-made. Not only is my writing an escape for me, it’s a discipline and a productivity. And when I’m done, it can be an escape for other people, and it might even teach them things.
Gotta love when something is win in a couple different ways. 🙂
Therefore I shall now wander off and edit. Good night, good people.
†Like the canary in the coal mines, puffins (aside from being cute) are an early warning system to tell us that something dangerous is happening.
‡ I’m aware that Antarctic ice shelves and polar bears exist on opposite sides of the planet. I’m also aware that both are in trouble, along with the puffins and the rest of us.